
Awesomejay2682 SW 5247-8127-0224

Last seen: 1 year ago

Awesomejay2682 SW 5247-8127-0224's Info

  • About Me:
  • Discord: Awesomejay2682 SW 5247-8127-0224#7288
  • Nintendo Friendcode: 5247-8127-0224

Awesomejay2682 SW 5247-8127-0224's Games (21)

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Friends (2)

Awesomejay2682 SW 5247-8127-0224's Forum Activity

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  • 9 months ago
    #General I’ll be in Vc if anyone wants to play something
  • 9 months ago
    #General I’m just gonna play terraria or Pokémon unite
  • 9 months ago
    #General Bruh I can’t sleep
  • 5 years ago
    #General It’s not glitchy it just feels unpolished
  • 5 years ago
    #Splatoon 2 Nar -wall
  • 5 years ago
    #Splatoon 2 Narwhal
  • 5 years ago