Wolfenstein switch box art

Wolfenstein - Switch

This listing is an updated source of information for Wolfenstein on the Nintendo Switch.

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Additional Game Versions

This game has more than one available version. Sometimes these versions are released as collectors editions. Other times, these versions may just be digital or physical release only. These additional versions may include custom hardware, collectibles, extra in game content, DLC, etc.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

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Community Activity

  • #General wolfenstein2,saints row,tennis world tour
  • #General @mach7 wolfenstein2,saints row,tennis world tour
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games not many people Kno of that one . I got it the same time I bought Wolfenstein at GameStop because I was looking for some FPS myself and those two were what I went with originally
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games Seing if I got wolfenstein still here on disk or file
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games And Wolfenstein isn't and either is CRSED really
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games So I'd say forsure . Also if you like first person shooters on the switch I highly recommend Wolfenstein 2
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games Do anybody have Wolfenstein: youngblood buddy pass
  • #General It's getting almost worthless getting a physical game these game it seems. Wolfenstein Young Blood, Mega Man X Collection now yhis?
  • #Nintendo Directs You sure about that? I play just about every day and it still feels smoother than Wolfenstein or Doom ever did
  • #General Panic Button ported Doom, Rocket League, and Wolfenstein II to Switch. All run really well. Based on those I have a lot of faith Warframe will run excellent.
  • #General Yeah, the motion controlls for games like Splatoon 2, Wolfenstein 2, and other games I cant think at this moment
  • #General Well, they made an impressive work with both doom and wolfenstein, we don't have reasons to doubt this will be otherwise
  • #General The ones porting it are the ones who ported doom and wolfenstein. So i'd expect gyro controls

Is Wolfenstein worth it?

Based on the fact that 0 Switcher users have added this game, we don't have enough information quite yet to determine if this game is worth it or not. We're still collecting data on this title and should have an answer for you soon. Please check back later.

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