The Great Perhaps switch box art

The Great Perhaps - Switch

Release Date: (2020)
Publisher: Drageus Games

This listing is an updated source of information for The Great Perhaps on the Nintendo Switch.

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Game Details

  • Number of Players: 1 player
  • Game Type: Adventure, Puzzle, Action, Platformer
  • Rating: Teen - Fantasy Violence, Language.
  • Price: $9.99
  • Additional Info: Online Play via Nintendo Switch Online


  • "The Great Perhaps tells the story of an astronaut returning to Earth destroyed by natural cataclysms.There, among the ruins he finds an unusual artifact — an old lantern, in the light of which you can see glimpses of another time and travel to the past.Experience constant time traveling between an empty, melancholic scenery of the post-apocalyptic Earth and its vivid days gone by.The hero will face the danger in the post-apocalyptic present, as well as in the past. Help him on his journey to find out the true cause of the disaster and save the planet!Features:- Challenging puzzles and mini-games based around time travel- Experience the gripping atmosphere of a post-apocalyptic world based on Soviet aesthetics- Innovative storytelling which binds together the past and the present- Memorable characters with personal stories- Original interactive soundtrack which adapts to each timeline- Wistful hand-drawn 2D art style"

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Is The Great Perhaps worth it?

Based on the fact that 2 Switcher users have added this game, we don't have enough information quite yet to determine if this game is worth it or not. We're still collecting data on this title and should have an answer for you soon. Please check back later.

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