Fury Unleashed switch box art

Fury Unleashed - Switch

Release Date: (2020)
Publisher: Awesome Games

This listing is an updated source of information for Fury Unleashed on the Nintendo Switch.

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2 Switcher users have added this game.
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Game Details

  • Number of Players: Up to 2 players
  • Game Type: Action, Multiplayer, Platformer
  • Rating: Teen - Blood and Gore, Violence.
  • Price: $19.99
  • Additional Info: Online Play via Nintendo Switch Online


  • "It's a game you can even beat in one ultimate combo. Are you up to the task?   MAIN FEATURES • Ever-changing comic book – Explore the pages of a living comic book where ink is your most valuable resource and each room is a comic panel."

    Find out why John Kowalsky, creator of acclaimed Fury Unleashed series, is having a creativity crisis and see if you can help him deal with it. • Gameplay-impacting combo system – Kill enemies quickly enough to unleash your fury and rip through everything in your way without getting injured. Learn to play flawlessly and beat the entire game in one epic combo!

    View Game on Nintendo.com

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Community Activity

  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games Spelunky 2 was the game I was playing a ton of before Fury Unleashed
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games What’s fury unleashed
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games For Fury Unleashed, they just released this year the coop mode for online. It’s awesome. It’s like contra and metal slug but with a modern Roguelike twist
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games Lately I’ve been playing Fury Unleashed and this weekend I’ve been playing Advance Wars 2 on Gameboy advance in excitement for AW1&2 reboot camp
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games Free for the rest of the day and most of the weekend if anyone would like to play Super Animal Royale, Fury Unleashed, or Spelunky 2. Ping or dm me if interested. Open to possibly playing other games as well
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games Free until 2pm US Eastern if anyone would like to play Super Animal Royale, Fury Unleashed, or Spelunky 2. Ping or dm me if interested
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games Free for most of the day before 7pm US Eastern if anyone is down for Super Animal Royale, Spelunky 2 or Fury Unleashed. Ping or dm me if interested
  • #General Spelunky 2 and Fury Unleashed are only available through the Eshop
  • #General Get Spelunky 2 and Fury Unleashed. Both r quite challenging but are fair and have tight controls
  • #General I’ve played Bro Force. A much prefer Fury Unleashed due to the higher difficulty
  • #General About to have some breakfast and then hopefully get some gaming in. Either Spelunky 2 or Fury Unleashed

Is Fury Unleashed worth it?

Based on the fact that 2 Switcher users have added this game, we don't have enough information quite yet to determine if this game is worth it or not. We're still collecting data on this title and should have an answer for you soon. Please check back later.

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