Darkest Dungeon switch box art

Darkest Dungeon - Switch

This listing is an updated source of information for Darkest Dungeon on the Nintendo Switch.

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37 Switcher users have added this game.

Game Details


Additional Game Versions

This game has more than one available version. Sometimes these versions are released as collectors editions. Other times, these versions may just be digital or physical release only. These additional versions may include custom hardware, collectibles, extra in game content, DLC, etc.

Darkest Dungeon®

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If you are looking how to find players online for Nintendo switch games, you have come to the right place! Switcher.gg is a matchmaking website that connects users to other players for online multiplayer with friends. In just a few clicks, you'll be connected to thousands of other Nintendo Switch Online players looking for friends to play with.

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Community Activity

  • #General Playing second play through of Darkest Dungeon rn, gonna head to bed soon tho
  • #General I’m enjoying it. I usually like roguelikes/highly difficult games like Binding of Isaac, Enter The Gungeon, Darkest Dungeon, Going Under, Slay The Spire, and Rogue Heroes
  • #General Darkest Dungeon. Final 3 quests left
  • #General Lately, I’ve been playing Fall Guys, Super Animal Royale, and Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. And on my own I’ve been playing Darkest Dungeon as well
  • #General I loved darkest dungeon great game
  • #General P good. Playing Darkest Dungeon lately. Lots of starts and stops since I got it in 2018 but I’m feeling this time I’m gonna go all the way and beat it 🤞🏽

Is Darkest Dungeon worth it?

Based on the fact that 37 Switcher users have added this game, we don't have enough information quite yet to determine if this game is worth it or not. We're still collecting data on this title and should have an answer for you soon. Please check back later.

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