Contraptions switch box art

Contraptions - Switch

Release Date: (2019)
Publisher: Funbox Media

This listing is an updated source of information for Contraptions on the Nintendo Switch.

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1 Switcher users have added this game.
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Game Details

  • Number of Players: 1 player
  • Game Type: Puzzle
  • Rating: Everyone - .
  • Price: $9.99
  • Additional Info: Online Play via Nintendo Switch Online


  • "How many steps does it take to change a light bulb? If your answer is 10 or more, then you are ready for "Contraptions" - a game where the goal is to fix whacky contraptions that perform simple tasks in indirect and convoluted ways, Rube Goldberg style. Use camels as trampolines, champagne bottles as cannons, balloons to lift objects, fireworks wheels to drive conveyor belts, magnets to attract metal objects, and many more gadgets to solve the puzzles and clear the levels."

      Features + Solve over 100 wacky puzzles across 5 different worlds. + Create an unlimited number of your own levels and challenge a friend to try to beat it. + Use a plethora of goofy gadgets from scissors to washing-line pegs.

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Additional Game Versions

This game has more than one available version. Sometimes these versions are released as collectors editions. Other times, these versions may just be digital or physical release only. These additional versions may include custom hardware, collectibles, extra in game content, DLC, etc.

Contraptions 2

Contraptions Switch Trailer

StarBlox Inc. - Launch Trailer - Nintendo Switch
Puzzler meets brawler… in space! Welcome to the team at StarBlox Incorporated – where sorting cargo is a contact sport! Load your rocket with resource blocks ...

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Looking how to find players for Contraptions online?

If you are looking how to find players online for Nintendo switch games, you have come to the right place! is a matchmaking website that connects users to other players for online multiplayer with friends. In just a few clicks, you'll be connected to thousands of other Nintendo Switch Online players looking for friends to play with.

Look below for some recently active users who own Contraptions and are looking for friends to play with:

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Is Contraptions worth it?

Based on the fact that 1 Switcher users have added this game, we don't have enough information quite yet to determine if this game is worth it or not. We're still collecting data on this title and should have an answer for you soon. Please check back later.

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    Fog 2 weeks ago