Thanks for the information, yeah I personally think alchemy and kinsect compliment one another, although I'm still a novice. Sometimes the buttons still confuse me initially but I get grounded after a short bit. I'm still getting the right shakes down and the controls for extracts to boost kinsect stuff. But I feel like the buffs you get for your guave plus the assistive and buffing type elements you get with alchemy barrel make it a fantastic combo. I finally have mounting down fairly well and evading with the polevault type action and that's always something I've enjoyed attack wise. I know a lot of players do aerial and kinsect for added jumping power, but with the gauve it seems like enough so I matched it with alchemy for the moment. Still since the series has so many different combos and ways of playing, it's always a joy to switch things up on different hunts. That's why I have several sets I alternate, well except for anything ranged - which I guess I can't understand how I'm ever going to be good with that in Generations anyways. I can do ok with ranged in World.