2 years ago
Im unsure, I do apologize by the way but I’m going to head to bed, it’s about to be 3am and I spent the day at Disneyland. If theres others willing to game with you I hope you guys have a gr...
2 years ago
I don’t mind, also understood. Heads up on my end, I dont game as much as I used to, I’m struggling trying to keep up with my own life, I don’t really get much time for my own entertainmen...
2 years ago
I do enjoy clubhouse myself
2 years ago
With enough chat we’ll add it or others, but for now any game thats just very much low on topic can just get mixed into that channel :)
2 years ago
Clubhouse doesnt currently due to not a lot of talk for it, however at the moment youre currently free to talk here or in about it
2 years ago
I think Kirby actually exists
2 years ago
Gimme a moment while I pitch your idea to the others