Spirit of the North switch box art

Spirit of the North - Switch

Release Date: (2020)
Publisher: Merge Games

This listing is an updated source of information for Spirit of the North on the Nintendo Switch.

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Game Details

  • Number of Players: 1 player
  • Game Type: Adventure, Puzzle
  • Rating: Everyone - .
  • Price: $24.99
  • Additional Info: Online Play via Nintendo Switch Online


  • "Spirit of the North is a single-player 3rd-person adventure game inspired by the breathtaking and mysterious landscapes of Iceland. The story takes root from various pieces of Nordic folklore. The game is unique in that it purposefully has no dialog or narrative."

    Players must breathe in their surroundings to solve various puzzles and speculate the meaning of a lost ancient civilization. Play as an ordinary red fox who’s story becomes entwined with the guardian of the Northern Lights, a female spirit fox. As you journey over the mountains and under red-stained skies, you’ll discover more about your companion and land left in ruin.

    View Game on Nintendo.com

Additional Game Versions

This game has more than one available version. Sometimes these versions are released as collectors editions. Other times, these versions may just be digital or physical release only. These additional versions may include custom hardware, collectibles, extra in game content, DLC, etc.

Spirit Of The Island

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Community Activity

  • Jump Rope Challenge Review - Free Rabbit Jump Rope Game on Switch ump Rope Challenge is a family-friendly free-to-play Exercise Game that's pretty simple. You hold the Joy-Cons like a jump rope, you use the Joy-Cons' gyroscopic motion-control to swing them like a jump rope (while jumping, if you really want to get into the spirit of the thing), and the game counts your jumps. [OneVanilla Card](https://www.onevanilla.run/)

Is Spirit of the North worth it?

Based on the fact that 0 Switcher users have added this game, we don't have enough information quite yet to determine if this game is worth it or not. We're still collecting data on this title and should have an answer for you soon. Please check back later.

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