Infliction: Extended Cut switch box art

Infliction: Extended Cut - Switch

Release Date: (2020)
Publisher: Blowfish Studios

This listing is an updated source of information for Infliction: Extended Cut on the Nintendo Switch.

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Game Details

  • Number of Players: 1 player
  • Game Type: Adventure, Puzzle, Simulation, Other
  • Rating: Mature - Blood, Strong Language, Violence.
  • Price: $19.99
  • Additional Info: Online Play via Nintendo Switch Online


  • "Wander through an interactive nightmare set within the confines of a once-happy household.Piece together the mystery behind a harrowing series of events while struggling to survive encounters with an entity that relentlessly stands in the way of finding absolution. Explore a home crystalised by tragedy and uncover the heartbreaking secrets hidden within messages, artwork, household objects, and other vestiges of domestic life. Uncover clues and use items to unlock new paths and make discoveries while doing everything possible to avoid the malevolent presence inhabiting the residence."

    Hide under tables or beneath beds and harness light sources like camera flashes to stun the spirit and momentarily elude its pursuit. Infliction couples a story-driven approach to horror with a dynamic atmosphere to produce an unsettling and unpredictable first-person experience that deals in mature subject matter. Imbuing familiar elements of everyday life with the supernatural, Infliction is a terrifying otherworldly adventure that hits frighteningly close to home.

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Is Infliction: Extended Cut worth it?

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