Himno switch box art

Himno - Switch

Release Date: (2019)
Publisher: Ratalaika Games

This listing is an updated source of information for Himno on the Nintendo Switch.

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Game Details

  • Number of Players: 1 player
  • Game Type: Adventure, Arcade, Music, Platformer
  • Rating: Everyone - Mild Fantasy Violence.
  • Price: $4.99
  • Additional Info: Online Play via Nintendo Switch Online


  • "Himno is a non-violent, no death platformer. Use wall-jumps, slides & dashes to reach new heights in randomly generated maps! Using intuitive and easy to learn controls, parkour through each map to overcome platforming challenges to reach new districts."

    Level up as new heights are reached, bringing vibrant lights as torches are ignited and the music begins to change. Rescue wisps to light up the darkness around you, while temporarily upgrading abilities that allow you to move further to other disctricts.    Features:  * Your actions in the world trigger emotional soundtracks and vibrant visuals  * Play at your own pace without pressure  * Watch bright wisps dance around you  * Enjoyable by a wide variety of player skill

    View Game on Nintendo.com

Himno Switch Trailer

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Is Himno worth it?

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