GUILTY GEAR switch box art


Release Date: (2019)
Publisher: Pqube

This listing is an updated source of information for GUILTY GEAR on the Nintendo Switch.

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Game Details

  • Number of Players: 2
  • Game Type: action, arcade, fighting
  • Rating: 16 - Pegi.
  • Price: $7.99
  • Usable Controllers: nintendo switch pro controller
  • Online Play: No Nintendo Switch Online Subscription Required


  • "Discover where one of the best and mechanically richest fighting games descends from - at home and on the go on Nintendo Switch!"

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Additional Game Versions

This game has more than one available version. Sometimes these versions are released as collectors editions. Other times, these versions may just be digital or physical release only. These additional versions may include custom hardware, collectibles, extra in game content, DLC, etc.


GUILTY GEAR Switch Trailer

Guilty Gear 20th Anniversary Edition - Pack Product Trailer Nintendo Switch HD

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GUILTY GEAR Wikis, Walkthroughs, and Guides

Community Activity

  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games Guilty Gear, MK11, dbz from best to least
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games Mk 11 has a decent story, but most characters are dlc. I enjoy guilty gear the most, dbz is basically auto combos and it has dlc as well.
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games I haven’t played under night, one of the fighters I don’t have. I have others though if you ever want to blaze blue special, guilty gear R, street fighter collection, mk11, and dbz fighters
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games Does anyone play Blazblue CF on switch? Trying to decide if I should scoop that, or guilty gear before the sale is over.. (never played either)
  • #Other Nintendo Switch Games Looking for some folks who'd like to play DOOM, Capcom Collection or Guilty Gear.
  • #General I have not played MK 11 but when Guilty Gear arrives I'd be happy to go a few rounds with ya. I've been on a Final Fantasy kick here lately.
  • #General I've ordered the Guilty Gear Switch version
  • #General That's good to hear, hey PKradiance are you in the mood to play some guilty gear accent R on sunday? I'm still bit of a noob
  • #General @PKRadiance never played guilty gear but I got it on the switch
  • #General Does anyone get down with Guilty Gear?

Is GUILTY GEAR worth it?

Based on the fact that 0 Switcher users have added this game, we don't have enough information quite yet to determine if this game is worth it or not. We're still collecting data on this title and should have an answer for you soon. Please check back later.

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