Dungeon Warfare switch box art

Dungeon Warfare - Switch

Release Date: (2019)
Publisher: Singlecore Games

This listing is an updated source of information for Dungeon Warfare on the Nintendo Switch.

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Game Details

  • Number of Players: 1 player
  • Game Type: Action, Role-Playing, Strategy, Puzzle
  • Rating: Teen - Blood, Violence.
  • Price: $9.99


  • "Dungeon Warfare is a challenging tower defense game where you become a dungeon lord to defend your dungeon against greedy adventurers. As you successfully purify your dungeons throughout the world from the pesky invaders, you will gain access to more powerful traps and devious utilities.  Gain experience from killing the invaders to permanently upgrade your traps.    Game Features   IT'S A TRAP! Choose from 26 unique traps with 3 upgradeable tiers each."

    Traps that infilct pain - Dart Trap, Spike Trap, Bolt Trap, Inferno Trap. Want to go physical? Place traps that mercilessly throw mighty warriors into the pitch black abyss - Spring Trap, Harpoon Trap, Push Trap.

    View Game on Nintendo.com

Dungeon Warfare Switch Trailer

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