@KPtheGREAT what's your friend code?
anyone add me SW-5208-5954-9398
Feel free to add me I play everything except sniper
Anyone wanna game,? @Nyami @Nautro
in a bit
Not today anymore, maybe tomorrow 😀
im getting on rn
@Nautro @Nyami @Nyami @Nyami @Nyami
anyone down to do co-op and get some crowns?
anyone down to help me get out of noob lobbies?
i got ranked!
Friend code: SW-5690-9532-3129
Trying to get people for black shark, hmu
I want a team for pve action. Solo and random squad sucks
Respectable people are asleep at that hour. @Yoshzilla , if you are free tomorrow I'm game.
Anyone Warface in NL?
Plant the bomb?