@Motown I don't mind joining
Also, it is not an introduction
Also also, @ everyone is reserved for staff
Sorry about that. My apologies. Thanks for the clarity. Do you want me to remove my post?
would appreciate it 🙂
and remove the @everyone and you can post it in
done. Appreciated. Thank you.
Hey everybody!! I'm Daniel or Chronos 2801-8845-4892
Hey Richie here I'm British so tmz is GMT and I'm down for games just hit me up, I intend to bum Apex Legends soon join me m8s
Hello, im TJ, I'm 35 and live in the US EST time zone. I play anything really, mostly RPGs..
Hi im Tristan aka SharkNix. I am a 12yr youtuber with around 50 subs and I am a epic gamer so play with me if u want. ||xD thats what she said||
What’s good everyone, my name is Tutu and I’m 21 years old and I had my switch for at least a year....if y’all want to add me it’s 7733-8404-8214
Added you (I'm Co')
Hey guys, If anyone wants to play some Mario 3D World with me, add me: https://nin.codes/itare . I also Play Nidhogg 2, Killer queen Black, Mario Maker 2, Smash Bros & Bomberman . I'm in my 20's and speak english & French. Take care !
What’s good everyone, I’m Alioth. Usually playing Resident Evil in some form (Mercenaries enthusiast) or Megaman X.
Looking forward to not wait hours for somebody to join a Mercenaries game.
nice to meet y’all in advance!
Likes: Black Metal, Frosted Cherry Pop Tarts
Hi, all, I'm Dave from Mississippi! (Not a Trump supporter..) I'm 36, have a degree in Polymer Science, and I work quality control at a Sawmill. I enjoy foot rubs, rose petal body wash, and green tea.
Anyone down for MH rise
@mrfunkydonut please keep this channel to introductions
is for MH stuff
Hi, I'm an asshole
Nice to meet you an asshole I’m dad