1️⃣ Remember, be human. Be respectful of others and their opinions.
Trolling, harassment, and aggressive behaviors aren’t welcome. If you don’t know what “be nice” means, don’t post. Debating about a topic is fine if it is done respectfully. Remember: You can disagree without being a jerk.
2️⃣ This forum is primarily for Switch games discussion, but it does not necessarily have to end there.
This server is not the place for sensitive topics such as: politics, religion, race, sexual orientation, drug usage, or suicide (even in humor). We get it, these things might come up once in a while; as long as these topics don’t get out of hand/ aren’t seen as uncivil, discussion may carry on. But we won’t hesitate on banning someone if the discussion gets out of hand.
3️⃣ Use the appropriate channel for your discussions.
No porn, gore, or other NSFW material. This includes: images, links, descriptions and profile pictures. Breaking this rule can result in a immediate ban.
4️⃣ No links to torrents or other pirated content
We all know how seriously Nintendo takes piracy, so links to torrents, files or anything that helps or promotes piracy is not allowed. Discussions are fine, but one should not attempt to instruct or guide people on this process.
5️⃣ Don’t spam, self promote or use affiliate links.
This includes: repeating earlier messages without prompt, repeating bot commands rapidly, separating one message into multiple lines, and using reactions rapidly and randomly. If over 10% of your submissions and conversation are your own site/content/affiliate links, you're almost certainly a spammer.
If you would like to promote content of your own (i.e: another Discord server, your website, etc) ask an Admin or Mod for promotion privileges. The only exception is that promotion of Switcher related media (e.g. articles, or videos featuring the service) is encouraged, but keep in mind to try limit promotional messages to 1/day to be respectful of others!
6️⃣ Do not abuse nicknames (all caps, slurs, trolling, etc.) or the ping function.
This includes impersonating another individual or profession (pretending to be a developer, for example) and actively role-playing.
Mass or chronic pinging isn't allowed. One ping is enough to get the attention you want.
7️⃣ No sharing personal information of other users
-Sharing personal data such as friend codes, full names (that they personally share with you), information on where they reside, etc. is absolutely forbidden and will result in an immediate ban without warning.
8️⃣ Trying to abuse the system in any way to post not allowed content or to violate any of the rules will result in a permanent ban without possibility of appeal.
Violations of these rules can result in an informal warning, a formal warning, or even a ban. Appealing a warning or ban with the argument that you did not know the rules will not be valid.
If you have questions about the rules or wish to appeal a ban or warn, please directly message a moderator. If you have a suggestion on how to improve the system, please use the appropriate channels to post about it. The staff actively reads them and will take in consideration your suggestions.