I'm not a huge ms fan anyways.. But my Xbox loving brother ribs me for not being able to play world.
I bet Japan will be all over rise though ✨
I enjoy rise it has similar combat ro world but it jus doesnt feel as boring as world felt to me
Monster hunter not ms*
I only liked world cause the monsters actually interacted had turf wars and stuff
Well do graphics bother you? Like.. Going from mhw to this?
Personally no cause i think it looks really good on the switch but also because im so use to those graphics i guess as in "switch games graphics" it doesnt look bad at all
Well a huge Nintendo fan in general I know how much mh sells. So here's hoping for another big release for the switch 🌟
I'm digging MHRise. The graphic change doesn't mean anything to me because I logged more hours in gen u than world.
I really cant gst into world idk
World is like a introductory MH. It started out kinda watered down. Rise is feels like a good hybrid blend of the best of GENU and the QOL changes in MHW.
Yes. Theres an issue where the more friends you have added, the more it stutters.
Havent witnissed it we had 4 last week
I mean in your friends list.
Let me find the article
Ah so its jus a friendslist thing?
Im mean its cool jus weird
World was to attract casual players pretty sure. While it has nice graphics and smooth gameplay, the armors and weapons were terrible and bland. I got bored of it after hitting HR 100 and didnt bother with the dlc.
Gen ult is way more fun tbh.