yeah chicker, it's actually the discord chat integrated in the site in real time, so basically, all you type in the discord channel will be seen in the site and viceversa
Anyone online for some 6* later. I'll be online in about 2 hours. Won't be on voice chat tonight though
That may not show up on the regular site
oh yeah
yep, this is all switch games, so MHGU
So, anyone up for some hunts? I'll be on at 8pm gmt
No one on then?
Don't be that guy, man.
If no one wants to play, then no one wants to play.
It happens to all of us
Didn't mean it like that, was a genuine question
@Will31st don't mind him. That's what this app is for
@KronRon it's cool. I'm not that fussed, he didn't mean any offense, neither did I. I was more just fishing for a response to see if anyone was around
Well it made you look desperate
But I shouldn't have said anything so y'know
My b
Hola guys, I was about to buy MHGU but before that I'd like to know how lively the online is for people starting up
Definitely get it we need more hunters to hunt together
Had a nice full party yesterday most of the day