Is spelunky 2 jus a digital game can’t find it on online
Yes. Digital only. It’s p cheap
How much is it
What’s the game about
Spelunky 2 I mean
As the name of the game suggests, you’re going deeper into caves avoiding traps, safely dropping from floor to floor while avoiding and or slaying enemies along the way
do you have the game
How do you think I play the game 👀
Yes the answer is yes 🙃🙃🙃
I’ll buy it I’m kinda a big fan of spelunking I guess you can say I’m caved in
Haha 😄
It looks simple but the game has so many intricacies and is actually quite deep. Also the game runs a solid 60 frames, even online and the controls are so smooth and tight. Makes me wish Mario played similar to Spelunky sometimes
@YFFPMrE if you want, I’d be down to play for a bit of Spelunky 2 after the baseball game is over. Right now in the 7th inning
Can we play monopoly instead
Monopoly takes longer to complete, even with just 2 players. Spelunky2 runs are p quick. Like you can get a winning run in less than 30 minutes
I mean like I didn’t buy spelunky 2 yet the game isn’t even done downloading
How are you downloading it if you didn’t buy it?
In any case, I’ll do a Monopoly session another day. Not tonight
I mean like it’s not downloading because I didn’t buy it yet