It's ok, it happens
Please delete it if you can
Ah I found the delete
if you have their permission, you can send it via DM
How popular does a game need to be to get its own channel rather than ?
Windjammers struggles on the switch at the mo because the lobby system ingame is so poor
it needs to be discussed in with members of the staff.
I don't think we have specific numbers, just if we see enough people asking or agreeing on it
-- If you'd like a #windjammers channel then please add your 👍🏻 in the channel
^ @TheXboxVision
Anyone around to play Windjammers? Either ranked or casual
why is there no ark on the site???
'cause it's broken.
Anyone play dbz?
Was searching for a ranked match for over an hour Lust night
Windjammers anyone? I'm sat in searching on ranked match now
Does 20XX online still work?
anybody wanna play jackboix
Online now, searching for ranked match in Windjammers