see ya
thanks for the games
not my content
remember to not shower, it'll distract your opponents
slam your fist on the table for every mistake to make them nervous
and taunt after every KO
but for real, is there a stage list they have?
I know stage striking is when you and your opponent cross off stages on first pick, the counter picks are for the loser
This is what my local used over the weekend
We didn’t do stage strike. Rock-paper-scissors determines who picks first stage
Oh shiet I saw GFs of that tournament
Richter seemed like a pain to approach
Rainbow cruise should be banned, Ness can infinite against walls
Yeah this is probably outdated
Belmonts are a pain to learn but you can destroy if you know how to use them
Are there ANY Armor Breaking Spirits?! Sagat is literally killing me!!!
the one new character I'm finding fun to play is unfun to everyone else? fun
naw it's a testament to how good the player is