Alucard thats ones easy.

    So much so, that one person said they lost a sale

      they fucked with him

        fucked up

          They put in rex mii outfit to fuck with fans

            and won't even put him as DLC

              and it's BS

                @Kryzeth Well really who else requested could they add at this point? Where was she in the ballot anyway?

                  So he won't buy the game because it's pointless without rex

                    Oh yeah, Rex and Pyra deconfirmed as well.. sad

                      shovel knight is not the poster boy of indies. limbo boy is



                            GOD NO


                                GOKU GOKU

                                  DO IT FOR MY SWITCH BOIS

                                    Oh god if we did get undertale in smash the final smash for them would be beautiful tbh

                                      Isn't Shovel Knight in like every other indie game as a cameo or playable character tho? He's in Runbow, Yooka Laylee, that one Smash clone, and some other games I forget

                                        @Kryzeth he's in TWO Smash Clones!