Anyone wanna play smash
@Salvador sorry for being so late, but then how would I go about that?
Like instead of focusing on how to actually do cool tricks and tech you should focus on how you move in game. It's a bit hard to explain but theres a good video series for this
Hol up
try this playlist
0RH4S join
so much lag.....i aint playing
whyd u do doubles? its laggier
no lag here
that was the laggy one...
Anyone up for an arena or a 1v1?
31st will be his release, at least in Europe
Here too i believe
At least i hope
so Hero is being released today actually, at about 6 pm pst I think
yeah and hes way beyond busted
I just woke up so I haven't watched that video yet
He looks even more fun than Pirahna plant did