I'm in yee
It's Clobbering Time
smash launch night stream w/ roommate and friends!
(meanwhile im waiting for my cop
so they have mewtwo mechanics for unlocking smash characters
rn i got 8 ppl playing and we getting new characters like every 2 minutes
Do you think we'll get fully voiced cutscenes?
the gamestop thats at the shopping center has a game truck set up with the new smash playing
world of light time
Playing with the pro controller is harder than I thought. The buttons are just in the wrong spots lol. I don't think I had this much trouble, even with the wiimotes lmao
wireless gamecube controller is perfect
move attack to B and special to Y
kirby is so natural feeling to fight with.
Did they patch out the resetting exploit to unlock charafters?
Not as far as I know
No idea.