I can't wait
Spiral Mountain looks great
travis touchdown would be a good Smash Character too
Guys, i'm shaking right now
Literally shaking
The longer you look the more beautiful it gets
Rare... either you go Third Party, or let Nintendo buy you back because Nintendo is already handling your IPs better than you are. Z-snaps
Yeah, just look at how they're handling F-Zero....Oh wait
anyone wanna play smash for a few? 9GB67 is room and 123 is the pass
My poster predicted the E3
Bought it i during the time of sm4sh
there's plenty of people basically calling for Banjo since forever, just happy it finally came true
better replace the poster with the updated version
I am sooooo happy the Banjo & Kazooie are finally coming to Smash
Why is the matchmaking so bad in this game?
"I'm looking for 1v1, no items, battlefield, 7 mins, three stocks."
items on, corneria
opponent disconnects due to bad connection
thirty minute penalty for disconnecting even though the opponent disconnected
I'm so sorry