Yah my score really takes a hit when I play in tabletop mode but Ican't help it
ID: 8041V pass: 1234 if anyone wants to join!
man, i need to head to a local
when you're so out of it you think you can reflect a zard's flare blitz
Fuck k rool so much
God, just got second place in a local tournament
Just 100% world of light, got the true ending and belated classic mode 9.9 as link
I haven't got classic mode 9.9 yet, it's actually pretty hard
if you die on the boss round no matter what, even if you use the ticket you only get 9.8 haha
I was at 9.9 as Richter but Dracula destroyed me lmao
You act like I had one
well, i've got barely any reason to play this by myself now which sucks
but uh...i need partner pikachu
I need partner eevee lmao
Who cares tho
I dont play single player much 🤔
it's more like I have nothing better to do than fight CPU
Hey there, if anyone is interested in playing team smash for a bit, I made a room. Arena ID: GP6VP Password: 8787