Freshen things up
not that, i can't really play online and most of the single player stuff is really repetitive
Yeah single player is meh. Why can't you play online?
stuck on wireless, it's always been bad for fighters
That sucks. My room is like 20 feet away from my router and I still get 1-2 bars wirelessly. Had to get an ethernet cable just to play anything online without disconnecting
i'm still using my phone for a hotspot so yeah
Big oof
pretty boring to play against CPU
world of light is pretty fun
super armor + bowser spirit OP
just acquired james mccloud from the board
I'm like 24 hours in and still use james mccloud
If you guys find Jeanne, who's a 3 star on the board, enhance her. She has 5k red base power with two slots.
Probably the best red spirit I found
Star Force Megaman is legit my best spirit RN, most power & the character that get's a power boost from him is 50% projectiles
Still, I've been using Megaman SO FUCKING MUCH as a result of getting Model X & Omega Xis to Level 99 AND Their Enhanced Forms (Model ZX & SFMM) to 99 too!
so I'm giving him & the other Megaman Spirits a well deserved break
dont forget to do spirit board battles
its basically free spirits
spirit board battles can be made easier than the single player ones