Everyone jet squelcher for a win
Cant even get close
can dualie squelchers count?
Shut down hard
There's no 4 (whatever) comp that is good
You can still lose with a perfect comp
You can still win with a 'trash' comp
Unless they completely outclass you but you should never give up tbh
There are comps that are more versatile and have less weak points than others
well for my situation, with 3 members of my splatfest squad, we all use short-mid ranged weapons
It's just splatfest lol
But when we're talking about comps with inkage weakness and things like that... I mean, it doesn't matter unless you're going league 2000 or above
Who cares if you win or lose, just have fun
It's turf war so it doesn't matter
If you take turf war too seriously then that might be a problem because it's luck based, you can get wiped out at the end and lose just like that and vice versa