Anyone down to play splatoon 3? I would like someone to join me in turf wars, but ranked is also ok. I want to grind for the catalogue
I could around 9PM est. Not gonna be available until then because class
Splatoon 3 is the first one in the franchise I’ve bought and I’ve really enjoyed it, the solo campaign prepared you well to play against others online and the matches online themselves are addictive and make it fun to want to learn how to play
Its early. Anyone down for some splatoon 3 and possibly voicechat?
I can try to get on
Im working on a model but ill try to join later
My FC is: 1405-6406-4129
Its not the first one you know
Play splatoon 3. I’m trash and still learning but down to play.
Maybe start with the single player content and then when you feel comfortable there then move over to the multiplayer portion
Anyone looking to play splatoon 3?
Hey everyone
Hey 👋🏽 not really in the mood to play rn but you can add me and maybe we can play later today or sometime this week. I’ll dm you my fc
i can play some matches later
Looking for a squad interested in playing ranked mode Splatoon 3, I am this close to getting S rank but keep getting stuck with players that don't pull their weight
If ur interested add me: SW-1597-1734-0405
@CapAttack02 wish I could join but im still A rank. Plus you can only play open anarchy with friends. Your on your own in series and your rank up battles