So, anyone down to play splatoon 3? And possibly voicechat also?
Dm me or @ (me) if you would like to play. Voicechatting is optional, but I would apreciate it -
Sure. Its alright -
Dmed you my friend code. Just to clarify, you do not want to voicechat while we play. Right? Like I said, its fine if you do not want to. We can still play the game without vc.
i can
Let me know when you are ready to begin.
imma add u when i get homr
where is ur location
Location? You mean timezone?
yea like r u in the US?
oke im in AUS
GMT -4. It currently is like 1:03 AM on my end.
lol its 3 pm here
Its fine. Been up late before.