B rank can be so brutal LOL
It's still fun but I feel so silly for being happy that I ranked up 😂😂 2 intense for me. I need a lot of practice
Cant imagine A or S
I’d hate to hear what you think X rank must be like lmao
the c to b transition is rough, but youll be in a before you know it
Aghhh its actually so fun. I'm getting closer to B from B-
I think the best part is coordination and backing + being backed by your random strangers. X is just daunting as heck LOL major applause 👏👏👏
I'm so glad i bought this game. I'm generally a casual player, but seeing how much others put into ranking up inspires me :o
Omg.... Pls tell me the scale doesnt break on #4
It does...
I'm one win away from the next rank, but also 1 crack away from deranking 😂😂😭
Stress zone
Gonna go for it? Or wait a while?
Totally going to wait for a while. I'll die if it cracks 😅 Watch me wait and then when i go for it, it still happens
The cracks stay, but youll probably be less tense if you wait
I went to using chargers and ranked mode in splatoon 2. The mode I was playing was rainmaker and I using the kensa charger for the time.
You carried those teams lol
The kensa charger was ok, I thought it was pretty good in rainmaker. However my favorite charger is the splat charger
Anyone from a new team
Just got to rank A last night in SZ