Take that as a no
Anyone else X rank here?
Tenta camo can beat permanent inkbrush, fyi
I love it but i need practice
Anyone down to play
Hey, does anyone know anything about the new shoes? Just saw the Off the Hook update. Is there an exact release time?
Thank you! I thought itd be directly in game but either way stoked! 😃
You get new hats and shoes, all 3 star
I made a josuke cosplay for jojo bizzare adventure part 8 in splatoon 2
Any other newbies or past-noobs become semi regretful of ranking up from C to B?
B rank can be so brutal LOL
It's still fun but I feel so silly for being happy that I ranked up 😂😂 2 intense for me. I need a lot of practice
Cant imagine A or S
I’d hate to hear what you think X rank must be like lmao
the c to b transition is rough, but youll be in a before you know it
Aghhh its actually so fun. I'm getting closer to B from B-
I think the best part is coordination and backing + being backed by your random strangers. X is just daunting as heck LOL major applause 👏👏👏