That bridge + bike + litwick got me 3 hatched eggs in like 10 minutez
I prefer wild area while I wait for the eggs I check the dens and do raids
That makes sense, the linear stepping area helps me tho
Question, this brreding thing is done best with ditto?
depends on what you mean by "best"
ditto can help breed with almost any pokemon, except for those in the "No Egg" group
but you can't use it to hatch something with a specific move from one parent, since Ditto only knows Transform
there's also nature, ability, IVs and other stuff to consider
Thank you for the info
you are welcome
Im looking for a scorbunny, have sobble grookey and shield version exclusives to trade for it
Looking for
Thank you
I thought they said they had those and was looking for Scorbunny
Nah i edited it after avo gave me the grookey lol
I have a scorebunny
@SheepNugget u able to breed me one xD?