oh lol
if anything i might stay up and trade with you if you happen to be awake early tomorrow
I begin work in 11 hours
So I'll be up in 9 hours
Idk what time it is for u
I need regular vulpix, alola vulpix and alola meowth. @ me if anyone wanna trade
ill be home in like an hour, oh what a long day
10 hours wasnt bad i guess
@Shiny do you have alolan sandshrew, scyther?
and alolan grimer
i can trade an alolan grimer for a timid alolan vulpix
you can choose nature
@Shiny I have a normal Vulpix. Same goes to other Pikachu users. I need every exclusive from that game
all I need is a bellsprout cause there's no egg system in this game, other than that I need pokemon who evolve from trading but that can be done with anyone
if anyone has a double shiny (extra) ill trade my second shiny chansey (its leveled pretty high)
what do you need?
me too but already have a dull dex although i probably be missing a few pokemon cause of evolutions
i do have eevee exclusives