Skyward sword to me wasnt terrible. I see the stepping stone they took to breath of the wild in that game very heavily
If they didnt hold back the open world of Skyward it would have done so much better.
but thats just my opnion
I think I played it for like an hour total (not because I didn't like it)
and then the Wii U was so bad that I sold my LE Zelda console and all my wii/wii u games
i played it on the Wii.
both my Wii and Wii U collected alot of dust sadly
Beat it and enjoyed it but some things were clunky but over all solid zelda title.
I would probably use both consoles more if they had trophies/achievements
even if like now on the switch they gave me a little badge on my profile in the theme of the game I beat or something
just anything to give a little sense of accomplishment for beating a game like Super Mario Odyssey or something
or collecting everything within such a large game like that. I dunno
May sound kind of lame but it just makes games more enjoyable to me when I can track the progression I've made and when people see my profile they know what I've beaten
Nintendo does lack on out of game rewards like profile pictures or badges that others can see.
yea the reward of just being able to play their exclusive games just isn't enough for me personally.
I didnt even complete darker side of SMO didnt feel like the effort was worth it.
I still own a switch but it gets less use than my ps3/ps4 and thats a large reason why
my switch gets alot more use because of the 3rd party titles
yea there's nothing driving you to 100% beat any game really
most of the 3rd party titles are on ps4/xbox one though