pokemon sun and moon always had mystery gifts
one year anniversarysounds plausible
maybe pokemon lets go will too
im hoping the starter pokemon they give you in the game are perfect stats too
they do have gifts
that would be neat
via the comms menu
They had a year of mystery gifts, but before that, it wasn't easy to get Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, or any of the other mythicals. I think Melmetal was counted under those mythicals
all im saying is go isnt gonna be useful for like 90% of players
living in a big city or getting there isnt a choice i can make daily
not living in a big city*
i cant rely on spending gas every day and staying for a couple of hours, then try to balance that with playing my switch lmao
either or lol
Do you enjoy going to Gamestop/Game/EB Games/Target once a month to get mythical pokemon?
id rather give some kid like a dollar for a pokdex entry
than go and get that pos
is that a thing kryz?
i think thats easier kryz
ive never done it