due to how they remade it
Even when it is harder because physics, it was always a bs game
i enjoyed all of them (except time trials)
but i grew up playing it
I didnt really enjoy crash 1 too much.
I grew up with It too, it was my first crash game
But I was like.... 5 or 6
No way was I beating it
yea i never beat it
now i have (minus a few time trials)
Spyro was my thing
i plan to do the same with spyro eventually
i never really tried spyro back then
Spyro remaster was wonderfully done
Spyro remaster was my number 2 to play before realizing it's not coming to Switch, not big on Crash
I wouldn't say it never is coming. Crash came an entire year later @LRD
it will, but who knows when
Probably around august like crash
this aint pokEMoN