im not sure if i like splatoon 2 or not
i guess i do but i hate motion controls
and without them, you're at a great disadvantage
for how long have you tried getting used to motion? have you tried them in single player?
And most important, are you using them to aim or just to adjust after pointing with the joystick?
not very long to be honest, i'm gonna try playing it more later
i use it to adjust my aim
it's just that
i'm playing diablo 3 most of the time haha
Motion controls get some time to get used to them, it's not easy either. However, the moment you learn to use them, your aim raises to a different level
thanks !
Well, who's ready for some MK8D tourney ideas?
Because I have a really good idea for a mini set-up of tourneys, that isn't affiliated with the server in any way.
Check it.
Gimmie thoughts and ideas.
now i gotta go
(this is why its hard to be active)
the last tourney I entered I got teamed on