shesh im on fire after that bong hit lol
lucky af tho xED
Wii used to be my thing
i did mane
Nah u gave me that
i fucked up mane
Oh wait 💀💀💀💀
i just don't know the maps og 🤣
ffssss got spammed with like 4-5 red shells
Just so u know meta changed Waluigi ain't in meta no more
yeah i know that but i aint know whats the new
Now it's like lightweights or Luigi/link
i just seen alot people play him and what car?
Acceleration is the game not speed
i don't have that many cars and stuff yet tho
You should buy smash, Mario Odyssey, or Minecraft tbh
lmao i had a banana and someone used ghost took it and u redshelled me lmao'
u know multiversus? im to 400 iron giant eu but im suck at smash but i only played it vs bots as a kid lol
I use shy guy/toad/bjr Biddy buggy/Mr scooty and roller wheels with cloud glider