Then Nintendo isnt going to do shit about it
mario party is big big big in japan
Remember, if the Japanese hate it then it's a problem
I don't think a sub is needed for this kind of service
If us dirty Americans don't like something, tough shit.
I think a website + Discord makes it
nintendos been working with american fans more
Not enough imo
yeah i gotchu
its a balancing act though because theyre both huge markets
Japan being their biggest market, I know.
@Ruffles Imagine us, unworthy European, who don't even have a mouthpiece like Reggie
it's... actually, ruffles, it's not their biggest market
Japan is barely the 25% of their market
Companies should heaar every side of their communities
Fucking what
Not just the biggest
i 100% agree ghostak
No guys, you're wrong by thinking that Japan is their biggest market