Hey everyone. I have a pretty awesome pair of hyperx cloud 2's that I quite like but the cord is not long enough for docked play 😑. Can I buy and use longer aux cables without ruining the quality of the sound?
@Stefan pretty sure the answer is yes. I have a pair of Sennheiser Amperiors and using a generic 15ft extension cable. no noticeable degredation in audio quality at all. I'd try keep the total cable length under 20 feet if I were you.
Hey there !
so Youtube huh
link doesnt work because of the '!
@Ultralisk you should seperate the ! from the url
it is better looking
@Ultralisk was just gonna say the same thing
the link doesn't work because it includes the url
the ! at the end messes it up
he fixed it
@everyone Big ol' peener
you guys are quick! thanks 😃 it's fixed!
had to login twice using discord oauth. and looks like my profile lost information about the games I had
got the same error