You’re not alone friendo
Does anyone play divinity?
Happy New Year.
happy new year
Shameless self promotion belongs in in my opinion it doesn’t belong on this server at all but that’s not my call
yes, it is against the rules to self promote without permission, and this would probably fall under if you wish to discuss promotion my dms are open. thank you for bringing it up, and sorry i didnt get to it earlier
Welcome new people!
They're just hating cause they have nothing to promote
ok but, its clearly stated in the rules not to do that without permission
which isnt that hard to get, mind you
Oh well forgive me i just cant stand negativity
All i I promote is positivity is that against the rules too?
Just follow the damn rules
I dont think i needed a repeat nor a reply from you.
I speak english cacauzoid
All promotions are against the rules.
Since when is asking people to follow rules negativity? This is a server for a specific community. One that is all inclusive and generally positive, but there are rules for being a part of the server. Just like the rules in your home region that you must follow to stay a part of society. You chose to break those rules and a few people simply reminded/made you aware of those rules. It’s not like anyone got on your back about this. Your sarcastic and rude comments are not only unnecessary but show a genuine lack of care for this community. You literally used a word to call out someone’s race (which you have no way of knowing) now it’s not a slur as far as I’m aware but it is nonetheless unnecessary. You say “all I promote is positivity” but your next comment alone disproves that. No one blew you up with hate or negativity for your post, you were simply told the rules. So please follow them or please leave.
has anyone ever used sea gamer mall or seagm
welcome new people to the server!
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