Hi, I'm new to Switcher, how do the messages work?

    hello If you mean in the website, basically, whenever you receive a message, you'll get a DM in discord (if you allowed notifications on your profile) and/or a mail with the message and the profile of the person who wrote you

      And welcome btw 😃

        @Belaptir Thanks for the greetings and info, I have figured it out already 😃

          Good evening.


              How's it going?

                Pretty good

                  Been impatiently waiting for Smash Ultimate


                      I want to play anything

                        Pls @ me

                          The whole world (except Mexico) is impatiently waiting.


                              All I've been doing is watching the last Direct over and over again


                                  @Average Pelican I'm playing Warframe if you're down to play

                                    Guess not, oh well

                                      Daddy sakurai mad

                                        i summon thee