And @kosta554 yea you gotta work on building a bit but there's many ways to win
@xotaben you can find people to play Mario kart with
You can already play if you both have a switch and the game
@leonardo switxh with a different switch, via internet
Can i do that?
Mario kart has online
But i thought it was randomized
@xotaben yes, mario kart has even his own channel in the server you can go there and ask if there's someone playing
also Puyo Puyo Tetris is listed twice
I think trash talking is fine as long as you're not being serious about it
Who's playing red dead?
Also I'm late but heck
If you already have a friend you can play online w them
@Motorblade you mean when you type the name of the game to include it in your list?
You are very late lol
Well I'm working
So y'know