Gotta say tho, that the game was an easter egg fest, and the OST was awesome
i dont think theyd make a botw sequel
zelda isnt really a series that gets direct sequels
I was playing SMO and finding so many easter eggs everywhere
@rocket Disagree
the only games that did were wind waker and ocarina
You can feel that some moons were just added to add up to 999
We have Ocarina and Majora's, and then we have WW with 2 sequels
But some are in really good hiding spots
exceptions to the rule imo
And somehow, we also have aLttP with aLbW
i just feel like theres not much to be explored immediately after botw and what was there already was with the dlc
maybe another game in the same universe
but i dont see a direct sequel
"Pirana Plant is never going to be in Smash"
link between worlds isnt a sequel
Not directly, yeah. But happens in the same world
If you mean same world and a century or so later then yes i could absolutely see a botw sequel
I like the fact that Nintendo didn't make BoTW fit in a fanmade timeline