In New York State.
Been playing Super Mario RPG on Switch and Beltmatic on Steam
I don't understand your statement
I don't think so.
Not really a game designed for more than one person
Welcome to the server!
Warning to everyone that a community members Discord account was hacked, they will message about accidentally reporting your account so you can relinquish your email so they can steal your info, don't believe them
They are using Eden's account to try to social engineer their way into your account, and they cleared out her bio
Thank you for the notice 🙏🏽
hopefully she can get her account back
I haven't touched MK8 Deluxe in months
Been busy playing other games
You are welcome
Not since last year, when I played Super Mario 64 through NSO
Mostly single player, simulators and the like.
Since I have a full time job, and multiple outside-of-work things to do, I rarely have time to schedule for multi-player games.