Oh ok, no worries
It's funny because you know Sony is fucking up when Microsoft is outperforming in the console market
Good morning
About to have some breakfast and then hopefully get some gaming in. Either Spelunky 2 or Fury Unleashed
I’ve played Bro Force. A much prefer Fury Unleashed due to the higher difficulty
Anyone happen to want to play MK8D?
Hello, if you wanna play
Hello if you wanna play Mario kart 8, Mario golf or any switch online games add me SW-6264-1331-7629
yo looking for new people to play with and please recomend me some good games i just got my switch couple days ago SW-5745-0055-5030 btw i only got mario kart so far
and extension p
I can hop on?
@666_ftp yo I can add u and play rn if you want?
What's everyone playing this weekend?
Honestly anyone down I'm up for smash or mk8dx? I'm just bored
Hey good to be here
Does anyone play terraria if so can we play together?