Or probably some the cowabunga collection
Anyone wanna play rn
anyone wanna plaayyy
Anyone wanna play fall guys or Minecraft dungeons?
You still available?
Hey pinky do u have mario world 3d
Hi i been here for a while but left and came back
Oh my bad
Hey wait do u have 3d world
Oh ok
I sent my N64 NSO Controller for repair since it won’t hold a charge, and now, the controller has shipped back. So, should I recharge the controller via the Switch Dock before using it?
Good morning 🙂
Same body,play FIFA 20 on swicht?
I need proube the online opcións
Send me a answer i dont have Friends on swicht,i need yours comprensive for me 😥
i want to play xdd
@MistGastric hello hola
hello hola
@TheSuperWaffle hola hello 🫣😅
@Audiqua good morning xdd