Yeha I think I’m on like@level 60 something that’s how sad I am haha
Turn your judgy eyes away from me Canada haha
Right I’m not playing
Yeha I killed in front of someone by accident haha
Didn’t wanna seem wuss lol
What you both gonna play now?
I tbink actually I might go to bed as it’s 4am but you both wanna hook up and play tomorrow?
Hook up I’m so American
What time is it there for you guys
Hahaha we don’t really say that here I thought I was being cool
Iv been to America before I picked an orange of a tree and the police told me off
And I nearly died I crossed a 4 lane road I didn’t know you wasn’t allowed
I went to California and they had like rows and rows of orange trees and I picked one and got told off
You can walk anywhere and all roads have crossings
Your basically a cowboy
Get me a cowgirl hat