Pokémon arceus
Welcome new people to the server!
To what?
You aren't being clear
Welcome to the server!
Anyone up for Mario Kart?
If anyone wants to add me: 2864-4787-7483 if anyone wants to play mario kart
Added you guys lmk when you guys are ready
Mario kart is a fun game
Joining your game bro
We have the switcher website
Jesus Christ. Do you have to soam every single channel. 1 is enough to get people's attention
@tylero056 do not post scam links, and spam the chat like this, that's a warning. Next time will have consequences
That sometimes is due to their account being hacked
Yeah I was hacked
I'm changing my password at the moment
Oh wow o:
I was super confused why I just got kicked from all my favorite communities. Damn, that's not fun